Monday, September 29, 2014

On the Road to Utah

Rob was set apart as a Missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on Sunday September 21, 2014 by President Steven Hardy. Its official, He is a Missionary! 

 We left on Monday September 22, 2014 and made our way down to Salt Lake City, Utah. We travelled to Butte Montana. The next day we travelled to Salt lake. We were able to go and do a session at the Salt Lake temple. It was wonderful to experience that with Rob and our parents.

 The next morning we were able to go to the Mount Timpanogos Temple for a morning session. It was great to go there. It is a beautiful Temple, one that our Grandparents Bob and Belva Patterson worked at as temple workers.

After the Session we headed off to take Rob to the MTC. We stopped for lunch before at the university mall. It was great to see all the other soon to be missionaries eating lunch before they were dropped off at the MTC. We were a bit early to drop him off and so we parked and waited. We did our goodbyes before we dropped Rob off. 

As we go to the MTC we were told where to drive and were pulled over to the side where they had numbered pylons. It was a quick drop off. As we got out there was a designated elder there to help Rob know where to go. We unloaded the car and he was off. We had to pull out so others elders could get dropped off.  

There he goes, our Elder Patterson. Starting off his first day at the MTC.

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