Monday, September 29, 2014

First email

Ok people, here is Robs first email home from the MTC.

Hello ,
I am not a very quick typer and have little time again as my P day (preparation day) has been eaten up by choir practice. Wow do we sound good though! I am very excited but very nervous to be there at General Conference. They said the camera men make a point of showing every elder singing there so I am pretty sure you'll see me (Grey suit, red and blue stripped tie.) I have so much love for everyone here and all of you, my family and friends. Its so neat because everyone here is here basically for the same purpose. My companion is Elder Willden, and he is a very humble, great man. I have come to love him in the short time here as we share experiences and testimonies and teach investigators here at the MTC. I've learned so much here and the time is weird. I'm so busy and tired I want to go to bed at 10:30. The hours tick by but the days fly by, its weird. The other two elders in my district are Elder Hernandez and Elder Greer both from California. Very awesome Elders. I am a little frustrated with the having a companion all the time by my side thing because I feel bad when I have to do things he doesn't. like when I am singing and he isn't so I have to pair up with random elders every time I go to and from choir, its frustrating. I cant wait to go into the field and meet my Mission President and actually unpack all my stuff and buy my bike. I have very much enjoyed the spirit here at the MTC, it truly is a special place and was dedicated by the Prophet actually, which I didn't know . One aspect I have studied a bit while I have been here is prayer and the role it plays in conversion, more specifically in my conversion because we cannot convert others past our own conversion. Prayer is everything to me. It gives me comfort when nothing else can. I feel the Savior's arms around me as I pour my heart out to our Heavenly Father. I feel the spirit testify of truth when I ask in sincere prayer for specific things I am in need of. I had an awesome opportunity in class to not just know about the Savior, but to know the Savior, and our teacher after reverently bringing the spirit into the room and discussion, took us outside in the dark and we spread out (in sight and sound of our companions) and personally said our own prayers to Heavenly Father to better know the Savior. In my prayer I Prayed to know if what I was doing was right, if all this work and sacrifice was really for me, and I prayed to know what in my life I should do. I can testify that I felt the spirit calm my heart as I started to think of home and all those I missed. I was overcome as my heart burned inside and felt of the love the Savior had for me, and for all the missionaries serving. I suddenly stopped worrying about home, I couldn't worry! I know that everything will be all right and that my family and loved ones will be blessed for my service. I know that prayer is essential in our lives and in the lives of those we can teach and invite to Christ. I love ya'll back at home and wish the best for you. I know you and I are all in God's hands and will be blessed for the time that we give to Him. Don't worry about me, the food's good, my companion is awesome, they have a basketball court, I am looking mighty fine in my new suits and I carry the name of Jesus Christ everywhere I go. it is an honour and a privilege to carry this name badge. Again I love you all and sorry I can not write you all personally yet, but I can promise some poorly handwritten letters will be on there way soon! My mailing address here while I am at the MTC is 

Elder Robert Steven Patterson
2009 N 900 E Unit 165
Provo UT 84602

and I leave on October 7 then will get you the name of my new place asap.  

On the Road to Utah

Rob was set apart as a Missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on Sunday September 21, 2014 by President Steven Hardy. Its official, He is a Missionary! 

 We left on Monday September 22, 2014 and made our way down to Salt Lake City, Utah. We travelled to Butte Montana. The next day we travelled to Salt lake. We were able to go and do a session at the Salt Lake temple. It was wonderful to experience that with Rob and our parents.

 The next morning we were able to go to the Mount Timpanogos Temple for a morning session. It was great to go there. It is a beautiful Temple, one that our Grandparents Bob and Belva Patterson worked at as temple workers.

After the Session we headed off to take Rob to the MTC. We stopped for lunch before at the university mall. It was great to see all the other soon to be missionaries eating lunch before they were dropped off at the MTC. We were a bit early to drop him off and so we parked and waited. We did our goodbyes before we dropped Rob off. 

As we go to the MTC we were told where to drive and were pulled over to the side where they had numbered pylons. It was a quick drop off. As we got out there was a designated elder there to help Rob know where to go. We unloaded the car and he was off. We had to pull out so others elders could get dropped off.  

There he goes, our Elder Patterson. Starting off his first day at the MTC.

Robs Farewell

Rob spoke on Sunday September 21, 2014 at the Wetaskiwin chapel. He had a great deal of support from people being there and he wanted to thank all of you that were able to come and hear him talk. For those of you who were not able to make it, here is the talk that Rob gave.

"As I pondered this topic that I chose I realized that I had not yet received sufficient experience in my life to test my faith as serving a mission now affords me. I have not served the Lord as much in my life as I now will for the next two years. This whole experience is an accumulation of mixed feelings. As I read and prepare for full time missionary service, I receive a greater witness, strength and desire to serve the Lord and do all I can to help His work progress forward. However as I say my goodbyes, pack up my room and fill my remaining time with those I love, my heart aches for the experiences I will miss, and the time I wish to spend with many of the wonderful people I’ve been blessed to have associated with in my life. And then doubt arises to rationalize my reasons not to leave, and trust me there are many good reasons. But I know the blessings from serving the Lord are far greater than those experiences I will miss, and my faith will be strengthened to endure life’s future trials and experiences that lie ahead. There are far greater reasons to serve no matter the doubt that will arise. I may not know very much, but I know enough. I know enough to leave so as to invite others to turn to Christ, our Saviour and Redeemer; to help others feel of His infinite love that He has for all of us, individually and collectively. I have seen and felt the blessings of living the gospel in my life, which in turn wants me to share that with every person I come in contact with.

The Lord has eternally blessed me, and with such great blessings in my life I feel the responsibility, and duty to serve and sacrifice at least two years of my life. And in fact a living prophet, Thomas S. Monson, has, through revelation from that God I love, called me to serve. A former prophet, Joseph Fielding Smith, once said, “You are called upon to declare the words of eternal life with vigour, humility, and faith- bringing out of darkness those that sit in darkness.” I have sat in darkness before, I have felt helpless in my trials and sins, I have fallen short of the grace of God at times, but I testify the blessings of repentance can change all of that. No matter how deep or how long we’ve sat in the darkness, we can all see the light again, which is the light of the world; Jesus Christ, who atoned for our sins so we can return to the light and to His presence once again.

Now concerning faith, which is as Alma puts, “…faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true.” And we often hear that faith is an action word, and that faith without works is dead. To have faith in something or someone is not simply a statement. To have such hope and knowledge to receive faith must require our diligent action behind our belief. To truly know our Saviour, we must serve with charity, the pure love of Christ. In Matthew chapter 25:40 we read, “…Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Service can bring us closer to the Lord, for as we serve those around us, we also serve God.

I as a missionary will be teaching and inviting others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. This is truly the restored gospel on the earth today; the same priesthood power and teachings that were here when Jesus Christ walked the earth that were lost through the death of Christ and the death of the apostles has been restored to its fullest capacity through the first prophet of this dispensation, Joseph Smith. I have received a witness of the truth of the Book Of Mormon and its legitimacy, and the fact that Joseph Smith was indeed a true and living prophet, who saw and heard all of the heavenly messengers that he did, including our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.

Not too long ago my parents took me on a trip to New York and Ohio to visit some of the amazing church historical sites from the early saints. We actually had stayed in a hotel that had a walking path around the back of the building that led to the sacred grove and the Smith family home. What an awesome spiritual experience, to wake up early as Joseph Smith once did and enter that beautiful grove of trees and reside in the same peaceful place where our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared. I felt I should kneel down, which I did, and said a small humble prayer. I immediately felt the love that He had for me, and my testimony of the truthfulness of the first vision, Joseph Smith, and the Book Of Mormon were exponentially strengthened.

We visited the Newell K. Whitney store and surrounding houses of the saints, many of which sacrificed everything they had for the growth of the church. We walked past the river where the first 127 saints of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints were baptized. We saw the sawmill where the lumber was bought for the building of the temple; as well we walked to the rock quarry where the stone was cut to build the temple. We were guided through these houses and sites by missionaries set apart to do so. The spirit their testimonies brought, coupled with the experience of witnessing by sight these places was amazing. In fact as we took a tour of the Kirtland Temple, I felt such reverence. And as I walked up the stairs to the very stand where the Saviour appeared to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery to accept the Kirtland Temple as His house, my eyes welled up with tears for I knew at that moment that this is the Lords work, and that all that I have been taught my entire life has been true. I have been blessed to have been raised in the gospel, and I thank my parents for their strength in providing a Christ-centred home where I was taught from the Bible and the Book Of Mormon.

Gordon B. Hinckley in an October 2006 General conference stated regarding Joseph Smith, “I am grateful for the faith that took him into the grove to pray. I am grateful for his faith to translate and publish the Book of Mormon. I am grateful that he went to the Lord in prayer that was answered with the bestowal of the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthoods. I am grateful that in faith he organized the Church and set it on its course. I thank him for the gift of his life as a testimony to the truth of this work.” I too can add my thankfulness of Joseph’s faith. He went through so many incredible trials in the short life he was able to live, but he wrought a great and marvelous work because of his faith.
I have really been studying and pondering faith, what it means and why we need it for as I stated earlier I have not needed faith as I now do while facing this mission I am going to serve and the future that lies ahead of me. Having faith in Jesus Christ means relying completely on Him- trusting on His infinite power, intelligence, and love. I have personally struggled with this for I like to do things myself, and on my own time. I’m not one to ask for help even if I need it. But I definitely need it now. Having faith in Christ also includes believing His teachings. It means even though we do not understand all things, He does. We can remember that because He has experienced all of our pains, afflictions, and infirmities, He knows how to help us rise above our daily difficulties. He has overcome the world and prepared a way for us to receive eternal life. He is always ready to help us as we remember His plea: “Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.” When times of trial come, faith can give you strength to press forward and face our hardships with courage. Even when the future seems uncertain, your faith in the Saviour can give you peace. I can truly attest to that.

Do you think we only get one test of our faith then all is well and that life will be a breeze for the future? No. Faith is a gift from God, but you must nurture your faith to keep it strong. Faith is like the muscle of your arm. If you exercise it, it grows strong. If you put it in a sling and leave it there, it becomes weak. You can nurture the gift of faith by praying to Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ. As you express your gratitude to your Father and as you plead with Him for blessings that you and others need, you will draw near to Him. You will draw near to the Saviour, whose Atonement makes it possible for you to plead for mercy. You will also be receptive to the quiet guidance of the Holy Ghost. How else can we strengthen our faith? We can strengthen our faith by keeping the commandments. Like all blessings from God, faith is obtained and increased through individual obedience and righteous action. If you desire to enrich your faith to the highest possible degree, you must keep the covenants you have made.

You can also develop your faith by studying the scriptures and the words of latter-day prophets. The prophet Alma taught that the word of God helps strengthen faith. Comparing the word to a seed, he said that the “desire to believe” can lead you to “give place” for the word to be “planted in your heart.” Then you will feel that the word is good, for it will begin to enlarge your soul and enlighten your understanding. This will strengthen your faith. As you continually nurture the word in your heart, “with great diligence, and with patience, looking forward to the fruit thereof, it shall take root; and behold it shall be a tree springing up unto everlasting life.”

We are so grateful for all those who where able to come! Remember to write Rob.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

MTC mailing address

Rob reports to the Missionary Training Center (MTC) on September 24, 2014. He will be in the MTC for approximately 10 days. We will not know his mission address until he has entered the Mission field. I will post the new addresses as we receive them. While Rob is in the MTC he will be able to receive mail at the following address:

Elder Robert Steven Patterson
Provo Missionary Training Center
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604
United States

His email for his mission will be :

Another way to send Rob mail is the website  This website allows you to send a letter to the Missionary that will be delivered on the same day that you write it. You need to sign up for an account and make sure that when you are searching for where to send it you select the non pouch option and select Utah, Salt Lake City West as the mission. It then allows you to send a letter to Rob. There may be a fee for sending letter this way but it is the same cost as postage from here but with the convenience of same day delivery.

If you are stumped as to what needs to be sent to encourage our Missionaries here is a link that provides some information as to what is best for the missionary to receive

Elder Gordon B. Hinckley said: “My heart goes out to the missionary who does not receive regular mail from home. Generally a letter once a week is a good rule. But on the other hand, too much mail can be damaging to a missionary’s morale. To be effective a missionary has to move away from home; so the kind of mail he receives will make a vast difference in what he does and how he feels. Letters that set forth the problems at home, that dwell on the difficulties, hurt the morale of the missionary. Wise letter writers will be sure to state their positive feelings—how proud they are to have a missionary in the field, how the Lord is blessing them because of his work in the ministry. Such letters bless the life of a missionary” (Brian Kelly, “A Visit with Gordon B. Hinckley about Missionary Work,” New Era, June 1973, p. 32).