Dear Family and Friends,
Well this email will probably be
composed very quickly so I apologize in advance for grammatical errors. I will
try my best to let you know what is going on here. I often forget that I know
what is going on and I seem to assume you do as well based off my limited
correspondence we have each week. So Let me first say this, I really love it
here, so much in fact I wouldn't mind coming to school here and living here for
a bit. There are so many cool things to do here and I know a lot of people now
to whom I have grown close to, having been so condensed in our areas these last
few months. It will be a sad change to not be able to get to know people as
well because we are moving from one set of missionaries covering each ward to
one set covering a stake. So we sometimes still go over to sister Bennett’s
home to get haircuts or to have lunch with their family. We have been biking
all day now. We cannot afford to waste time walking. I am so glad to have Elder
Dawson as a companion because physically he is able to keep up and do all this
work still. It is a blessing to have bodies that work and function so that we
can push God's work forward through our actions as well as our words. So today
we actually went golfing in the morning! There is a course right at the top of
the hill in our area and Elder Dawson and I, our landlord brother Baker, and
the Spanish missionaries went and we had a blast! We did 9 holes and I actually
didn't do too bad! I still have it in me Dad! I shot a 43 out of a 36 par course
and got the lowest score out of all of us! That was enjoyable. We will have to
go back here one day Dad and Greg! Yeah so moral of this first paragraph is
that I will be coming back lots to this area! I love it here and the people
here have a special place in my heart.
One family that I really love is the
Locke family. Brother and Sister Locke are so cool and I love them so much!
They love to do cool things and we are going over there today in a bit to play
board games. Sister Locke is from Germany, and her and her mother are the only
members in their family. Kind of reminded me of you mom! They are Primary
workers and have struggled in the past with coming to church, which at one
point they were considered to be less active. But Their middle daughter has
such a strong, valiant spirit about her she pushed and pushed her father to be
baptized, and so they all took the lessons from the missionaries and Brother
Locke got to baptize his wife, and two of his daughters! They are strong in the
gospel now but as we know, every family has their trials. We got to know them a
little at church but Sister Locke wanted us to come by again because her mother
was coming to visit from Germany for a few weeks, and they were stressed and
frustrated with their oldest daughter who was getting married, graduating and
having a birthday all in one week, which happened to be the same week Sister
Locke's mother came to town. So they invited us to escape from their hectic
life and feel the Spirit. We also helped their mother because she was
struggling back in Germany with living the gospel. So we have gone over there
weekly and taught lessons to their oldest daughter and their mother and have
struck up a really awesome friendship. I have been given opportunities to play
guitar and sing for them some of the gospel songs I wrote on my mission. They
really appreciated that because it is a good way to bring the Spirit into the
room. I've been learning more hymns now and playing those for some dinner
messages and things. The guitar I bought here is really crappy though and sucks
to play. I love the Locke family and they have become really good friends since
the time I came into this area in February. I hope to stay here a lot longer.
This is a really awesome stake and we have a lot of good things going here. We
have started last week with our scripture study class about the Book of Mormon.
It’s really fun and I hope to be an institute teacher of seminary teacher one
day. I have really come to like teaching the gospel and find my joy in that! I
have come to love and reverence the scripture and find excitement explaining
and teaching others about its wonderful influence and possibility of power in
their lives. We also got permission from our Stake President and our bishops to
start a Missionary Mentor Program. This is where we have a priest age young man
preparing or wavering from a mission to spend the weekend with us. We have
Ethan Salazar from the 5th ward come with us this last weekend. We had him from
Friday at 6 to Sunday at 4. It was the best thing ever! It is so cool to mentor
and prepare these young men who just like me struggled before a mission with a
lot of things. We had a lot of fun! He got to experience very many aspects of
missionary life. He went to bed at the same time and woke up, studied, and left
the apartment and biked all day with us in the hot sun! oh yeah by the way it
has been over a 100 degrees here for like two weeks straight and still coming
strong! It is so hot and I am so gross all of the time. My shirts and pants are
just soaking wet all day and I have to carry a bottle of water everywhere I go.
I am kind of getting used to it now though. I will be celebrating Canada Day
and Independence Day this week! That will be fun!
Well I hope you have a great week!
Talk to you next!
Love Elder Patterson
Elder McRae (left) leaving for his new area, and Elder Dawson and I
Franziska Pulga, Sister Locke's mother
The new mission map, (magna and hunter are our area now, and the new boundaries are what it will be later this week)
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