Rob showing off his muscles in his new All Blacks jersey from New Zealand
He was so happy to get snow. His companion thought he was crazy, but Rob was glad to have snow.
Rob thought it was funny that people had their sprinklers on even though it was raining
That's all for now. I will post more as I get them from Rob.
Hi! My name is Irene Christenson and my family is in the 5th Ward. Elder Patterson is leaving us this week, but we had the privilege of having him over for dinner tonight as we do every month. He is an awesome missionary! He works hard and serves with all his heart. He will be missed...especially by our Young Women, but that's a story I'll leave for him to share. :) I am sure as his family you know that he is a great young man, but we wanted to pop a message to you to affirm that. It was a little funny tonight at dinner. When I saw him yesterday I asked him what he wanted. He said, "some of your really good Chinese food." When he sat down he asked, "What inspired you to make this? Because when I order Chinese, I always get meat with broccoli, dumplings, and spring rolls." Elder Patterson is so good even the Spirit will direct his dinner! ;) I usually only make either the dumplings or the spring rolls, but not both yet for him I decided to pull it all out because he's just so awesome. Glad that he got all his favorites! He will be missed by our ward and stake!!!