Saturday, October 4, 2014

General Conference weekend.

Here is Rob's email from today. 
Hello family and friends. As an update, I leave on Tuesday morning to catch the train to get to my area, I will miss it here at the MTC,  I'll miss my teachers and roleplay experiences and spiritual experiences and especially miss my district here. Its amazing how quickly and strongly the spirit can bind friendships. I have come to love everyone in my group. There's Sister Brown, Sister Pontius, Sister Anderson, Sister Howard, Elder Greer, Elder Hernandez, Elder Willden and myself. Okay our district found the mystery tree that smells like cream soda and bubble gum here on campus. A rumour went around that there was a tree that smelt like cream soda and bubble gum so in our free time walking to and from class we sniffed trees till we ACTUALLY FOUND IT!!! haha yeah not that exciting. I have been being made fun of for my accent already and the way I say sorry, about, touque, eh, you know all the good stuff. But before I go I have a spiritual thought for you. In class our teacher was explaining how to learn from the scriptures in a very personal way. He wrote an equation on the board, Read-Insight-revalation-repentance/change (those dash marks are supposed to be arrows pointing to the next word on their right) and then he gave us some scripture to read and asked us to share our thoughts with the class after we tried this formula out. I read in Ether 12:4 and as I read it I saw the words Hope and Faith stick out. As I re-read this verse and pondered it I felt inspired to write something down, and this is what I wrote... "Hope and Faith will not feed doubt. It will feed charity, the pure love of Christ, leading us to serve Gods children, always abounding in good works." so I just read it and rearranged it in a manner that meant more to me personally. So I read, received insight and revelation for me, now what to do about the last part where i try to change to become better. So I wrote this for my repentance /change part... "Step out of my comfort zone, share those truths I've prayed and received witness of, know that God will prepare His children to partake of His infinite mercy and love, after I put in work and faith to invite all to come unto Christ, through revelation of the spirit." I had never read the scriptures like this before and I have never gotten so much out of them before yesterday. This experience has grown my love for the word of God and it has become delicious to me, kind of how like chips are. haha I invite you to try reading the scriptures with that same formula and to write back what you got out of it. I love ya'll very much and appreciate reading your emails! 

Love Elder Patterson

Here is a picture of Rob singing in the MTC choir during the Preisthood Session of General Conference! It's great to see him. 

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