Wednesday, October 7, 2015

September 8, 2015

Dear Family and Friends, 

Thank you for your emails this week. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has gone through these feelings of not knowing what to do after my mission. I really want the best education possible and I know the U has an absolutely wonderful medical program. I have had opportunities to go over and go into the hospital which is really awesome here. I think though the biggest reason for me wanting to stay here is this... I found my setting apart blessing that Mel wrote down for me, and in it it says that my love for these people will sink deep into my heart, and boy they sure have. I really have come to love this place and these people. I have seen how just like dad said, that God is hinting to me certain places and people I need to pursue in my future when I return to visit. I've noticed small but strong impressions that I've been praying about. And yes mom there is a rivalry between BYU and the U but it is very dumb. BYU fans think the U fans are devil worshipers and the U fans thinks that BYU fans are "holier than thou" people. When really they are both very fine establishments and both have wonderful programs. Like I said, and like dad stated, my future career can and will have a huge effect on my abilities to serve in church callings, to serve my family and also to serve others in this world. I want to serve and give of my time, talents and abilities, but I know I will need a good education to pursue those things, especially in the medical field. I want to work hard to achieve those goals in my life. I want to support a family without worry, and give freely of my substance to those around me. I know I can make a difference in the world if I have the help of the Lord. I will continue to seek what I am to do after my mission, I would just please ask for your help and support, because I will go where the Lord needs me, because after a mission the prophets have told us to do two things, get married and get an education. I want both of those and I have faith that God will direct me if I am doing what He asks me and strive to pursue my righteous desires. I love you and am so thankful for a loving family. I need to go pack now. I am moving across the street to the Bennion, and Bennion West stake, yeah that means I'll be covering 16 wards. :( at is a lot. And I am going to be the senior companion there as well. I am saying my goodbyes here and will miss this place a lot.

Love Elder Patterson 

Ireland right after her baptism

Her family

The Brinkerhoffs (an awesome family who I'd like to visit sometime)

We made our own plan of salvation cutouts

Craig Myrick, we've been helping him overcome addiction, and have seen a huge change in his life, it's wonderful to see the atonement work in our lives 

Brother Bell, a wonderful help to us in our Stake mission leadership

The Jameson family, they are awesome

Brother Clive Romney (our Ward mission leader) in his recording studio

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